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Ascensionism / Re: 😜😉
Last post by Christian -
Thank you for being with us, Jorge.
I oftentimes think and feel the same.

Ascensionism / Re: 😜😉
Last post by Jorge S. -
Hi guys !

I'm a declared a some kind of perfectionist on my practice. When first discovered this I realize that, from my case, is a kind of procrastination to avoid the real deal with my case, and when spotted it just see what I'm trying to avoid and then concentrate myself in the action. I have daily basis of study and reading bulletins and books about this subject, and also translating which makes easy to me to get the knowledge and concepts of this practice. By the processing side my present time goal is to get my basics in (like envision my day (speiepir), VF1 and experience / create on things I spotted just to mantain my day going and my mood higher as I can haha). It's funny because this week I've started to get more free time at night to deal with things that was pending to handle, or things that need more focus and concentration to handle (so I no longer have excuses), and of course catching up with the posts of this beloved forum. My goal when I join in the forum was and still is to be responsible for my case, and help others to realize and do the same, so I'm in the right place, fortunately at the right time ;), and gratefully with the right people. Sometimes I think about everything I've had to do and everything I've been through to get to this place, it's an opportunity that I feel very lucky about.

Thanks to everyone !
Ascensionism / Re: Blocks to scientific advancements: "Is this peer-reviewed?"
Last post by Tracy -
I had a conversation with an Uber driver today about this very thing. What "peer reviewed" means if we all study from the same rhetoric, how do we know what is fact? What if your peer is wrong-mislead-misunderstands. And most recently, the ChatGPT phemonenon/obsession for many - it's already being censored and therefore biased. It also draws from all the rhetoric out there and draws conclusions based on mass thinking - soooooo - cannot be trusted as fact, only as currently popular thinking. 
Ascensionism / Re: 😜😉
Last post by Roger Boswarva -
So, guys and gals . . . how many of you are getting regular sessions??

How many getting daily study and advancement of knowledge.

Many, of course indulge that dreaded non-production of "later-itis."

Just as a note for the future . . . it would be a shame to be going into your next lifetime ill prepared and not having the knowledge and spiritual powers available as could be the case if one indulged what is available, here and now, by practicing our tech.


Thanks for asking, although you question is more of a reminder of our future exist and in what state we will find ourselves.

This time of the year, my activities centre around generating an income although I do try to process a few times a week. I find that during the winter months, I am much more active in this regard. This current African Summer is quite brutal and its sucking the energy out of me. Winter cannot come soon enough :))

Yes well let's hope your next winter down there is nothing like what has been hitting the Northern Hemisphere currently  . . . the weather here and in Ozz has been crazy.
Details as to WHY available at (it is .co not .com)
Ascensionism / Re: 😜😉
Last post by JulianB -
So, guys and gals . . . how many of you are getting regular sessions??

How many getting daily study and advancement of knowledge.

Many, of course indulge that dreaded non-production of "later-itis."

Just as a note for the future . . . it would be a shame to be going into your next lifetime ill prepared and not having the knowledge and spiritual powers available as could be the case if one indulged what is available, here and now, by practicing our tech.


Thanks for asking, although you question is more of a reminder of our future exist and in what state we will find ourselves.

This time of the year, my activities centre around generating an income although I do try to process a few times a week. I find that during the winter months, I am much more active in this regard. This current African Summer is quite brutal and its sucking the energy out of me. Winter cannot come soon enough :))
Ascensionism / Re: 😜😉
Last post by Tracy -
Christian . . . This line above you wrote:
What I am bad at is deciding how long exactly a cycle of implementation will take to completion.

Yes, deciding something like that, as in absolutely being able to DETERMINE what will be, is rather Godly, and a bit above my "pay grade" as well.

Okay, good to know! So just focus from the top on my Goddess-ness and I'll be a decision master! Sounds easier than swimming through the sea of possibility and choosing from will power  :D
Ascensionism / Re: 😜😉
Last post by Christian -
Good hints, Roger.
Thank you. Very appreciated.

Yes, I remember the scale and the OrgBd.
I used to work with both quite a lot for some time.

Yes, prediction! Thank you.
I need to be better at it.
I need a new battery of SPIEPIR processing.  :D

Much Love,
Ascensionism / Re: 😜😉
Last post by Roger Boswarva -
Christian . . . This line above you wrote:
What I am bad at is deciding how long exactly a cycle of implementation will take to completion.

Yes, deciding something like that, as in absolutely being able to DETERMINE what will be, is rather Godly, and a bit above my "pay grade" as well.

Though in my days in the old cult, I found a key cognition I had on the issue of the "Awareness Levels" as in the levels of awareness expressed in the Org Board which take you through the operation of each of the Org's departmental functions viz:

They are also referred to as "Awareness Characteristics" . . . note the attached pdf.

As one begins to relate in any action or activity, one begins at level 1) at RECOGNITION of its existence. . . .  and on the way to the level of PRODUCTION (at level 12) one gathers the perceptions and understandings needed to PREDICT (level 10)

When I first studied this tech in 1965 I had the mind blowing realization of the importance and power of PREDICTION . . . it became the favorite thing for me to do. 

It indeed, became as my automatic operation/operating level . . . every time I engaged with a new relationship or activity, I gathered up all of the perceptions and understanding needed to PREDICT outcomes . . . and did so. 

It saved me a lot of grief.

Shit . . . the scanned doc is too large to attach.  I'll try a trick . . .

  9  BODY
 -1 HELP
 -2 HOPE

Ascensionism / Re: 😜😉
Last post by Christian -
On the days I come not to processing, still I will do processes in between and try to make the cycles of action into a process (Ability/Creation Paradigm).
VF#1, creating in a New Unit of Time.
What I am bad at is deciding how long exactly a cycle of implementation will take to completion.
So, room for improvement.


Ascensionism / Re: 😜😉
Last post by Christian -
I'd rather be Christian than Crastinus. The latter maning "of tomorrow", which is our root word for procrastination.  :))
But sometimes I can't help, too much work on my plate to be completed.
However, I am trying to be in session as often I can.

What helped was running the weak identities (as you advised many years ago on the old forum).
Often this blows to view and off the counter-stuff and I can be on top of the game again.  :))

All the best,

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